ActivePure Ensures Clean Air in Schools The quality of indoor air in schools is vital for successful learning and teaching, especially as schools begin to shift away from online learning to being back in the classroom. According to the United...
ActivePure Ensures Clean Air in Schools The quality of indoor air in schools is vital for successful learning and teaching, especially as schools begin to shift away from online learning to being back in the classroom. According to the United...
ACTIVEPURE HELPS BUSINESSES OPEN SAFELY ActivePure Technology is based on a variation of original technology developed for use on board the International Space Station. The technology was originally invented to protect astronauts by working to remove...
Boch Center Takes Significant Measures to Ensure a Safe Return to Live Performances ActivePure disinfection technology proven to deactivate airborne and surface COVID-19 viruses among many safety measures implemented for in-person...
"Blow, Blow Thou Winter Wind": Indoor Air Quality in Winter Ah, winter. It doesn’t matter how fierce it gusts outside, we’ll be cocooning cozily by the wood fire in our well-insulated homes. As William Shakespeare once...