ActivePure Ensures Clean Air in Schools
The quality of indoor air in schools is vital for successful learning and teaching, especially as schools begin to shift away from online learning to being back in the classroom. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, "the health and comfort of students and teachers are among the many factors that contribute to learning and productivity in the classroom, which in turn affect performance and achievement."
Education is a fundamental part of life. It's where we learn about math, science, reading and literature. It's where we develop social skills and make friends with other students. For many schools across the nation, children are averaging roughly eight hours a day, five days a week at school-which translates to about 8,884 hours over nine years from primary school to secondary education. It's essential to consider the environment in which they're in for the duration of their school year.
We know being indoors and in proximity to other individuals increases the number of germs and bacteria indoors, leading to the spread of influenza or the common cold. And there's the fact that children have less developed immune systems than adults and are more susceptible to the various effects of air pollutants.
Due to these considerations and the lasting impact of the COVID-19 virus, the health and safety of faculty, staff and students take precedence upon their return to the classroom. Education administrators across the country are assessing current building ventilation and indoor air quality to prevent the transmission of more than just the coronavirus.
Fortunately, that's where ActivePure Technology comes into play. Schools across the United States have installed or are considering installing this unique technology to give everyone, including parents, peace of mind.
ActivePure Technology in Classrooms
School administrators, such as Joe Zmikly, principal of St. Joseph Catholic School in Lake Orion, MI, reported feeling better, safer and more prepared returning to classrooms with the Air Scrubber with ActivePure Technology units installed in its school buildings.
St. Joseph Catholic School is working to meet all local, state and federal health and safety guidelines by effectively providing clean and fresh air with the help of NASA-inspired technology.
"We've decided to put the Air Scrubber units in every classroom and other rooms occupied by people during the school day," Zmikly said. "Diminishing airborne particulates that may trigger allergy flare-ups, asthma attacks and spread germs will help slow the spread of viruses, including COVID-19."
Zmikly hopes both teachers and students will miss fewer school days because of illness, leaving considerably more time for in-person teaching and learning.
The COVID-19 pandemic has already put a significant strain on education and school administrators are increasingly relying on air purification systems to return to the classroom and ensure confidence in students, teachers and parents as they head back to school.
Active-Based Surface & Air Purification
ActivePure Technologies offers a wide range of air and surface purification systems ideal for schools with customizable features that fit each building and occupied space perfectly. The patented technology called ActivePure Technology is found in over 70 products and is the fastest-acting, continuous technology available. While neutralizing over 99.9% of contaminants indoors, portable devices and HVAC systems with ActivePure Technology work in real-time, 24-hours a day, seven days a week.
The process starts with the installation, and once it's set up and running, ActivePure Technology begins working immediately and fills the room with ActivePure Molecules. These molecules seek out and deactivate pathogens, turning them into a safe byproduct. This is vastly different than other capture-based devices where air must travel through the filter before it's cleaned. By using ActivePure Technology, schools reduce exposure to airborne allergens, mold, fungi, bacteria, germs and even viruses like COVID-19.
ActivePure is working with schools around the nation to lessen the effects of the pandemic on education and provide complete peace of mind. Find out more about how ActivePure Technologies can help your school stay ahead of the curve at ActivePure.com or call 888-217-4316.