The Sclerotiniaceae family make terrible dinner guests. They happily help themselves to all the produce in your home or restaurant, leaving only sniffles and coughs as a parting present. Allow ActivePure to introduce you to this fungal...
The Sclerotiniaceae family make terrible dinner guests. They happily help themselves to all the produce in your home or restaurant, leaving only sniffles and coughs as a parting present. Allow ActivePure to introduce you to this fungal...
Whether you are in the healthcare industry or are interested in the spread of viral infections, it's essential to stay informed on current and future Healthcare Associated Infection (HAI) reducing technologies. With studies indicating that 1...
To help promote the Clean Air in Buildings Challenge, the EPA recently published a formal request for information (RFI) titled “Better Indoor Air Quality Management to Help Reduce COVID-19 and Other Disease Transmission in Buildings:...
Did you know that it took hundreds of years for the medical community to accept the idea that mixing germs and open wounds isn’t a good idea. While we have come a long way in the medical field, we still face the same resistance to new...
Bacillus Globigii, also known as hay bacillus, is a common type of bacterial mold that can be found indoors. Hay bacillus is considered “the best studied Gram-positive bacterium and a model organism to study bacterial chromosome replication...